However, F+WS has made me curious to how the original Captain
America "dies" and ceased to exist, and why the world entered
into such a dark time. Apparently, the Avengers:Endgame film is
supposed to cover that aspect.
Hello All,
I felt trepidatious venturing into the first few episodes Falcon
And The Winter Soldier series. But I surrendered to the flow and
finished the first season and enjoyed the journey.
The effects were well crafted. The story-line was compelling.
The humour was peppered sparingly.
I've seen some of the Avenger series full-feature films in the
past, (the first 2 Ironman movies, for sure) but after a while
another one of them disuaded me to continue - I forget which
one. I think it was Thor: Dark World - the one with Loki. I
just couldn't finish watching that one.
However, F+WS has made me curious to how the original Captain
America "dies" and ceased to exist, and why the world entered
into such a dark time. Apparently, the Avengers:Endgame film is
supposed to cover that aspect.
Sofar, I like what I've seen. The beer-bellied Thor is
hilarious. I am not sure of the origins of Rocket the racoon,
but maybe I'll work my way backward in the timeline to find out.
the bad guys in the falcon and winter soldier are the ones
that want it to go back to when there was the snap, i
and captain america didnt die or cease to exist. he just
retired in the past.
Rocket is the result of some experiment (Guardians of the
Galaxy I).
If you want to enjoy the MCU you actually need to
consume most of its films.You may skip the Spiderman ones
and the Fantastic Four ones (are these ones actually MCU?).
I think this is yet another reason not to jump into it since
the MCU requirtes a big investment from you :-)
The F+WS made a reference to his death. So, I assumed he was
killed. But the Endgame revealed the death was probably from old
age. But there is no clear reveal of an actual death. With the
liberty of time-travel so easily available, I guess anything can
Rocket is the result of some experiment (Guardians of the
Galaxy I).
Meanwhile, one of the fandom wikis provided the background info.
I don't really need to see the films anymore.
I seem to get enough info and enjoyment from just reading the
plots. Yeah, the visual special effects can be amazing and
beautiful, but too much of that seems to get old fast.
I tackled the Endgame film in about 3 sessions. I simply got
tired of the time-travel trickery. Ok.. so Capt. America
returns the stones to their respective timelines.. so that
basically puts the stones back into play and an opportunity for
things to repeat themselves. Sheeesh.
OGG wrote to ALL <=-
I felt trepidatious venturing into the first few episodes Falcon
And The Winter Soldier series. But I surrendered to the flow and
finished the first season and enjoyed the journey.
ARELOR wrote to OGG <=-
Rocket is the result of some experiment (Guardians of the Galaxy I).
If you want to enjoy the MCU you actually need to consume most of its films. You may skip the Spiderman ones and the Fantastic Four ones (are these ones actually MCU?). I think this is yet another reason not to
jump into it since the MCU requirtes a big investment from you :-)
OGG wrote to <=-
and captain america didnt die or cease to exist. he just
retired in the past.
The F+WS made a reference to his death. So, I assumed he was
killed. But the Endgame revealed the death was probably from old
age. But there is no clear reveal of an actual death. With the
liberty of time-travel so easily available, I guess anything can
OGG wrote to ARELOR <=-
I tackled the Endgame film in about 3 sessions. I simply got
tired of the time-travel trickery. Ok.. so Capt. America
returns the stones to their respective timelines.. so that
basically puts the stones back into play and an opportunity for
things to repeat themselves. Sheeesh.
I'm not sure where Thanos comes from, but that dude had issues.
watch thor ragnarok.
that's a great movie.
The F+WS made a reference to his death. So, I assumed he was
killed. But the Endgame revealed the death was probably from old
age. But there is no clear reveal of an actual death. With the
liberty of time-travel so easily available, I guess anything can
what episode? he was alive and an old man and he was the guy
who handed the shield over to falcon in the movie.
Only reference to the original Cap that I saw in Falcon was when
the guy said, "I thought Captain America was on the moon," making
me think he's off planet?
I don't remember it being explained in the movies, but it's obvious
he's a powerful being from 'out there.'
On 5/3/2021 3:48 PM, MRO wrote:
watch thor ragnarok.
that's a great movie.
The first Iron Man, Thor Ragnarok and Guardians of The Galaxy are hands
down the best movies in the MCU. Infinity War and End Game are kind of
must watch to move forward, but most of the others you can skip or watch
as desired. I think Spiderman Homecoming was very good as well.
In the F+WS first episode, either the F or the WS used the word
death. I assumed he died, somehow. Based on the ending in
Endgame, it was probably old age. I assumed he died, somehow. Based on the ending in
Endgame, it was probably old age.
i didnt catch that and i looked it up and i guess in episode
5 sam refers to him as 'gone' but they never said dead.
most of the world doesnt know that he stayed in the past to
live a live with carter and is and old man now.
The F+WS made a reference to his death. So, I assumed he
was killed. But the Endgame revealed the death was
probably from old age..
Only reference to the original Cap that I saw in Falcon was
when the guy said, "I thought Captain America was on the
moon," making me think he's off planet?
I felt trepidatious venturing into the first few episodes
Falcon And The Winter Soldier series. But I surrendered to
the flow and finished the first season and enjoyed the
<snip snap>
I very much enjoyed it, and the ending brought a tear to my
As for Endgame and the rest... I actually recently went
back to the beghinning and started watching the entire MCU
..I'm on S2 of Carter now and I've seen Jessica Jones. Boy
that's a contrast...
As for Endgame and the rest... I actually recently went back to
the beghinning and started watching the entire MCU again - but
this time catching the movies I havne't seen (so far, just Hulk)
and adding in the television shows. I'd seen Peggy Carter Season
One as well as Daredevil Season One. I'd also seen S1 and most of
S2 of Agents of Shield. Now I've seen those 'again' and also others
that I had missed - I'm on S2 of Carter now and I've seen Jessica
Jones. Boy that's a contrast...
... Baby boom: Noise made when an infant breaks the sound barrier.
--- MultiMail/Mac v0.52
wcQWK 8.0 ÷ Omicron Theta * Memphis, TN *
ARELOR wrote to OGG <=-
Spider Man is part of it, but not Fantastic Four.
Yeah - they have to repeat... Remember when Tony Stark was
ADAMENT to Banner about "don't undo anything, just bring back
the people that were removed" (paraphrasing). He didn't want
to undo his daughter!
Hey, do we know what happened to Mjolnir, post Endgame? Captain America brought it with him through the time portal, but didn't come back with it.
..I'm on S2 of Carter now and I've seen Jessica Jones. Boy
that's a contrast...
Never heard of that one.
OGG wrote to <=-
The F+WS made a reference to his death. So, I assumed he was
killed. But the Endgame revealed the death was probably from old
age. But there is no clear reveal of an actual death. With the
liberty of time-travel so easily available, I guess anything can
what episode? he was alive and an old man and he was the guy
who handed the shield over to falcon in the movie.
In the F+WS first episode, either the F or the WS used the word
death. I assumed he died, somehow. Based on the ending in
Endgame, it was probably old age.
OGG wrote to <=-
But.. considering that Tony invented a time machine, anything
could happen, and repeat. Sheesh. I just finished watching
Iron Man 3. There's a kid Tony meets up with in that film. That
kid could be a vector into a future story-line.
I very much enjoyed it, and the ending brought a tear to my
Yeah.. the "family" feel that brought everyone together was
As for Endgame and the rest... I actually recently went
back to the beghinning and started watching the entire MCU
Ok.. see you in the next decade!
..I'm on S2 of Carter now and I've seen Jessica Jones. Boy
that's a contrast...
Never heard of that one.
Not long ago, there was a Tv series called Heroes, about group
of people that were engineered to have powers. I invested in
that one - if only to learn about their origins.
Yeah.. the "family" feel that brought everyone together
was nice.
Yeah, that, but I'm specifically talking about (trying to
avoid spoilers for anyone like me that doesn't want details
before they see it) -
the statue...
Not long ago, there was a Tv series called Heroes..
I LOVED loved LOVED the first season!!! Was one long story
and was really engaging! Then S2 seemed like a "well that
worked, let's try again" and then S3 jumped the shark 'for
me' - YMMV.
I went back and watched Season One again and stopped. :-)
Did you ever watch Dollhouse?!?!? That and Jericho! WOW!!!
what episode? he was alive and an old man and he was the
guy who handed the shield over to falcon in the movie.
In the F+WS first episode, either the F or the WS used the
word death. I assumed he died, somehow. Based on the
ending in Endgame, it was probably old age.
I missed that... But it could also be a secret that he's
alive, and the 'world' thinks he is dead...
On 5/3/2021 3:48 PM, MRO wrote:
watch thor ragnarok.
that's a great movie.
The first Iron Man, Thor Ragnarok and Guardians of The
Galaxy are hands down the best movies in the MCU. Infinity
War and End Game are kind of must watch to move forward, but
most of the others you can skip or watch as desired. I
think Spiderman Homecoming was very good as well. --
I tackled the Endgame film in about 3 sessions. I simply
got tired of the time-travel trickery..
Did you watch Infinity War first? Or just went straight
into Endgame?
Yeah - they have to repeat... Remember when Tony Stark was
ADAMENT to Banner about "don't undo anything, just bring
back the people that were removed" (paraphrasing). He
didn't want to undo his daughter!
I'm not sure where Thanos comes from, but that dude had
I don't remember it being explained in the movies, but it's
obvious he's a powerful being from 'out there.'
Ogg wrote to JIMMY ANDERSON <=-
Not long ago, there was a Tv series called Heroes, about group
of people that were engineered to have powers. I invested in
that one - if only to learn about their origins.
fusion wrote to Ogg <=-
there were a few pre-Disney Marvel shows on Netflix.. they're all
pretty good. and they're tied up quite nicely at the end with all of
them coming together for The Defenders. i think most people would agree Daredevil was the best of the lot, perhaps followed by Punisher. so i'd watch them in whatever order makes sense but saves as much of those for last.
Ogg wrote to JIMMY ANDERSON <=-
Someone mentioned that there was a reference to Capt. America
hanging out on the moon.
Ogg wrote to Tracker1 <=-
I don't *think* I've seen Guardins of the Galaxy (apparently
there are 3 of those films). They have Groot, and Rocket.. I
don't recall ever seeing a film with them. The films were also
in my media-dark period of 2013-2018. But a few reviews make it
sound GotG to be a worthwhile try.
I don't *think* I've seen Guardins of the Galaxy
(apparently there are 3 of those films). They have Groot,
and Rocket.. I don't recall ever seeing a film with them.
The films were also in my media-dark period of 2013-2018.
But a few reviews make it sound GotG to be a worthwhile
Guardians of the Galaxy movies are the best. Loved them.
Yeah, that, but I'm specifically talking about (trying to
avoid spoilers for anyone like me that doesn't want details
before they see it) -
the statue...
It was probably engineered into the story to cater to that
demographic to emphasize equality as humans.
Not long ago, there was a Tv series called Heroes..
I LOVED loved LOVED the first season!!! Was one long story
and was really engaging! Then S2 seemed like a "well that
worked, let's try again" and then S3 jumped the shark 'for
me' - YMMV.
I think I forgot about S3. :( S2 wasn't as engaging as S1.
MCU fans should check out Heroes for a "realistic" twist on
humans with unusual powers.
I went back and watched Season One again and stopped. :-)
I might do that too. At the time, I could only watch them on
broadcast tv and wait a week for the next episode; by then, the
emmersive feel of being vested in a story was gone.
Did you ever watch Dollhouse?!?!? That and Jericho! WOW!!!
Briefly. Sounds like Westworld, but using humans as the
programmable hosts.
I missed that... But it could also be a secret that he's
alive, and the 'world' thinks he is dead...
Anything is possible in the MCU. :/ Now that they have time-
machine technology, they can flip flop any storyline they want.
Someone mentioned that there was a reference to Capt. America
hanging out on the moon.
I tackled the Endgame film in about 3 sessions. I simply
got tired of the time-travel trickery..
Did you watch Infinity War first? Or just went straight
into Endgame?
I went straight to Endgame. I don't recall ever seeing Infinity
War. I guess that one explains Thanos' rampage.
I thought the funniest part was when they were explaining how
time-travel works by mentioning how it was used in other actual
films. :D
I'm not sure where Thanos comes from, but that dude had
I don't remember it being explained in the movies, but it's
obvious he's a powerful being from 'out there.'
Sounds like I will spin-up Infinity War at some point, soon.
there were a few pre-Disney Marvel shows on Netflix.. they're all
pretty good. and they're tied up quite nicely at the end with all
of them coming together for The Defenders. i think most people would
agree Daredevil was the best of the lot, perhaps followed by
Punisher. so i'd watch them in whatever order makes sense but saves
as much of those for last.
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