He's going to go free.
Absolutely self defense.
Prosecution is toast.
Denn wrote to Dos <=-
Agreed, I saw the video when it 1st happened and these thugs went
after him.
The guy that survived should be in prison for his part in this attack
on Kyle and for his part in the riots.
Agreed, I saw the video when it 1st happened and these thugs went
after him.
The guy that survived should be in prison for his part in this
attack on Kyle and for his part in the riots.
And the prosecutor should be disbarred for his actions.
Denn wrote to Dos <=-
Agreed, I saw the video when it 1st happened and these thugs went after him.
The guy that survived should be in prison for his part in this attack on Kyle and for his part in the riots.
And the prosecutor should be disbarred for his actions.
And the prosecutor should be disbarred for his actions.
He's going to go free.
Absolutely self defense.
Prosecution is toast.
I was won over to the defense with only the prosecutions witnesses.
They swayed me a BIT after, with the defenses witnesses - that the first two who were shot didn't have weapons; but... it was self defense.
They swayed me a BIT after, with the defenses witnesses - that the first two who were shot didn't have weapons; but... it was self defense.
MRO wrote to Dr. What <=-
it's a good thing that they have a trial.
hopefully he will be found not guilty,
and the rioters will have to see that they were wrong. they
wont chagne their opinions, though.
Tracker1 wrote to Dr. What <=-
At least he's showing an unbiased effort to distort and railroad a
suspect in court regardless of race.
and the rioters will have to see that they were wrong. they
wont chagne their opinions, though.
The rioters are lefties and they will never admit (least of all to themselves) that they were wrong.
He's going to go free.It was a failure of the stupid governor to send the national guard to
Absolutely self defense.
Prosecution is toast.
and the rioters will have to see that they were wrong. they
wont chagne their opinions, though.
The rioters are lefties and they will never admit (least of all to
themselves) that they were wrong.
most progressives believe that he was a mass shooter who went there to shoot black people at a blm protest. seriously. that is what most of them believe.
Prosecution is toast.It was a failure of the stupid governor to send the national guard to protect the town.
He's going to go free.It was a failure of the stupid governor to send the national guard to protect the town.
Absolutely self defense.
Prosecution is toast.
most progressives believe that he was a mass shooter who went there to shoot black people at a blm protest. seriously. that is what most of them believe.
They don't really belive it, They all use the exact same wording so it's a script that they're told to stick to.
Re: Re: Kyle Rittenhouse
By: Dr. What to MRO on Fri Nov 12 2021 08:07 am
and the rioters will have to see that they were wrong. they
wont chagne their opinions, though.
The rioters are lefties and they will never admit (least of all to themselves) that they were wrong.
most progressives believe that he was a mass shooter who went there to shoot
so they are watching this trial and it's a good thing. they are learning the
Yeah, I'm sure there's quite a few who will see him as an idealistic teen that
got caught on his own by a bad person.
Unfortunately he's also being painted as awhite supremist because he went to a bar and had drinks with the Proud Boys after he made bail. Subtle things like that mean much more to the people who are really full of hate.
most progressives believe that he was a mass shooter who went
there to shoot black people at a blm protest. seriously. that is
what most of them believe.
They don't really belive it, They all use the exact same wording so
it's a script that they're told to stick to.
the ones i know believe that. they use the word 'white supremist' even though the kid is hispanic. and they say mass shooter and they believe black people were shot at a blm protest.
Alterra wrote to All <=-
just as a fun thing to do go look at mainstream news
they are calling Kyle a terrorist etc...
MSN NBC all of them
but if you go look at the actual court case...
you will see a very different story
but unfortunatly the media is popular and no one actually watches the court case needless to say the court case is completely different from
the mainstream media
Denn wrote to MRO <=-
I'm talking about the Media and political talking heads, they all use
the exact same wording, that shows us it's an organized discrediting campaign, They will wind up being sued and losing millions just like in the Covington kid case.
but they're to stupid to learn from their mistakes.
Re: Re: Kyle Rittenhouse
By: Moondog to MRO on Sat Nov 13 2021 09:02 am
Yeah, I'm sure there's quite a few who will see him as an idealistic teen that
got caught on his own by a bad person.
Unfortunately he's also being painted as awhite supremist because he went a bar and had drinks with the Proud Boys after he made bail. Subtle thin like that mean much more to the people who are really full of hate.
there are no proud boys in racine,wisconsin.
i lived in that area, i know that bar.
i dont even think there are organized proud boys in all of wisconsin. i look i dont think they are a racist group. i think they are a group of immature m until recently the guy who ran it was a man of color who ended up being a go
pudgy's is some old person bar that is real tiny. i have no idea why his mom
he didnt have drinks with proud boys and i'm pretty sure that thing was a se
mom is an idiot.
honestly if i was in kyle's place during those riots i would have either sho had his jaw broken. black kid punched this 70 year old man with a suckerpun
just as a fun thing to do go look at mainstream news
they are calling Kyle a terrorist etc...
MSN NBC all of them
but if you go look at the actual court case...
you will see a very different story
but unfortunatly the media is popular and no one actually watches the court needless to say the court case is completely different from the mainstream m
I'm talking about the Media and political talking heads, they all
use the exact same wording, that shows us it's an organized
discrediting campaign, They will wind up being sued and losing
millions just like in the Covington kid case.
If Kyle's lucky. It will be at least some compensation for the pain and suffering they put him through.
but they're to stupid to learn from their mistakes.
In order to learn from your mistakes, you must first ADMIT (most of all to yourself) that you made a mistake. Lefties are incapable of doing that.
but unfortunatly the media is popular and no one actually watches the court case needless to say the court case is completely different from the mainstream media
Unfortunately, true.
MRO wrote to Dr. What <=-
one thing i didnt know is they are going to say rittenhouse endangered
a guy there who was taking video.
Moondog wrote to MRO <=-
I agree they probably weren't Proud Boys. That was the medias' words
and the reason for disdain.
MRO wrote to Dr. What <=-
one thing i didnt know is they are going to say rittenhouse endangered a guy there who was taking video.
They are going to try anything to make their Narrative stick.
The question will be is how much will the judge put up with Prosecution. He's already repremanded them more than a few times.
Moondog wrote to MRO <=-
I agree they probably weren't Proud Boys. That was the medias' words and the reason for disdain.
One of the Left's common strategies is to frame other groups by having Leftie operatives dress up and claim that they are part of a group they want to smear.
You are so right...the left is already amping up. I smell fire.
"Rittenhouse, however, is also charged with recklessly endangering McGinniss' life and faces up to 12 years in prison if convicted. In testimony that could be key to deciding that charge, McGinniss - who is considered a victim by prosecutors because of his proximity to the shooting - said he felt he was in danger when Rittenhouse fired."
LOL - I was won over by the prosecution today. They did a great job at not lying...
And shown some new evidence about Rosenbaum not touching Kyle on the first shot - IMO kinda changes everything...
testimony that could be key to deciding that charge, McGinniss - who is considered a victim by prosecutors because of his proximity to the shooting - said he felt he was in danger when Rittenhouse fired."
The Prosecutor kept saying that Rittenhouse had no business being in that state, as if he should be confined to his city and state.
As Americans we can travel to any city or state without any reason.
Re: Re: Kyle Rittenhouse
By: MRO to Dr. What on Sun Nov 14 2021 07:57 pm
Actually the video show 1st guy catching up and grabbing butt of Kyles rifle, that's when Kyle turned around and defended himself.
i guess rittenhouse's father lives in kenosha.
No matter what other facts are raised, he's guilty in my
mind. At least to an extent. If they had shown up at his residence, then
Hylian wrote to Denn <=-
for me there is only one point. He grabbed weapons and went into
danger. They didn't come to him, he came to them. With the intent
to possibly shoot someone. No matter what other facts are raised,
he's guilty in my mind. At least to an extent. If they had shown
up at his residence, then I could at least consider self defense.
When you arm yourself and go into public, you are preparing to
kill someone. That's not defense, that's offense. I'm sorry, i
will never see it any other way.
Re: Re: Kyle Rittenhouse
By: Denn to MRO on Tue Nov 16 2021 12:00 am
Re: Re: Kyle Rittenhouse
By: MRO to Dr. What on Sun Nov 14 2021 07:57 pm
for me there is only one point. He grabbed weapons and went into danger. They didn't come to him, he came to them. With the intent to possibly shoot someone.
No matter what other facts are raised, he's guilty in my mind.
least to an extent. If they had shown up at his residence, then I could at least consider self defense. When you arm yourself and go into public, you are preparing to kill someone. That's not defense, that's offense. I'm sorry, i will never see it any other way.
whats up with the weird name change.Its the handle i use in final fantasy 14.
testimony that could be key to deciding that charge, McGinniss -
who is considered a victim by prosecutors because of his proximity
to the shooting - said he felt he was in danger when Rittenhouse
The Prosecutor kept saying that Rittenhouse had no business being in
that state, as if he should be confined to his city and state.
As Americans we can travel to any city or state without any reason.
i guess rittenhouse's father lives in kenosha.
also antioch and kenosha are very close and people go back and forth there. sometimes just to shop.
for me there is only one point. He grabbed weapons and went into danger. They didn't come to him, he came to them. With the intent to possibly shoot someone. No matter what other facts are raised, he's guilty in my mind. At least to an extent. If they had shown up at his residence, then I could at least consider self defense. When you arm yourself and go into public, you are preparing to kill someone. That's not defense, that's offense. I'm sorry, i will never see it any other way.
Actually the video show 1st guy catching up and grabbing butt of
Kyles rifle, that's when Kyle turned around and defended himself.
No, the closing statement proved that wrong. Like you, I thought the same the entire case - from the video I was shown... but the prosecutions angles in their closing argument clearly disproves the above statement. Clearly.
I'm still on the defense' side, but they certainly lost YESTERDAYs closing arguments and the prosecution did point out lies that I'd been not paying attention to.
Again, I am on the defense' side - but... they did a great closing.
for me there is only one point. He grabbed weapons and went into
danger. They didn't come to him, he came to them. With the intent to
possibly shoot someone.
he was actually on video giving people medical attention. i dont think you realize what was going on there. businesses were being burned. people were assaulted. there were rapes. people had their heads busted open with bricks. as i said before, an old man had his jaw broken by a young black man.
jo jo the pedophile attacked kyle because kyle put out a dumpster fire that was in the middle of the street that jo jo started. kyle had medical equiptment and a fire extinguisher.
he had a weapon to defend himself. if you didnt have a weapon you were in deep shit in those riots. everyone had a weapon or was with someone who had a weapon.
when people are being attacked and your city is being burnt to the ground, real men defend women and children. rittenhouse spends time in kenosha and his father lives there.
No matter what other facts are raised, he's guilty in my mind.
well you do not understand self defense. i'll just attack you and kill you and you will be guilty if you defend yourself. are you okay with that?
least to an extent. If they had shown up at his residence, then I
could at least consider self defense. When you arm yourself and go
into public, you are preparing to kill someone. That's not defense,
that's offense. I'm sorry, i will never see it any other way.
Hylian wrote to Denn <=-
for me there is only one point. He grabbed weapons and went into
danger. They didn't come to him, he came to them. With the intent to possibly shoot someone.
No matter what other facts are raised, he's guilty in my mind.
Re: Re: Kyle Rittenhouse
By: Denn to MRO on Tue Nov 16 2021 12:00 am
Re: Re: Kyle Rittenhouse
By: MRO to Dr. What on Sun Nov 14 2021 07:57 pm
for me there is only one point. He grabbed weapons and went into danger. They didn'
come to him, he came to them. With the intent to possibly shoot someone. No matter
what other facts are raised, he's guilty in my mind. At least to an extent. If they
had shown up at his residence, then I could at least consider self defense. When yo
arm yourself and go into public, you are preparing to kill someone. That's not
defense, that's offense. I'm sorry, i will never see it any other way.
No matter what other facts are raised, he's guilty in my mind.
Spoken like a true Leftie.
No, the prosecution video was a horribly low grade video and was not clear at all.
I'm still on the defense' side, but they certainly lost YESTERDAYs cl arguments and the prosecution did point out lies that I'd been not pa attention to.
Maybe you missed the Defense's closing arguments?
for me there is only one point. He grabbed weapons and went into danger. They dn't come to him, he came to them. With the intent to possibly shoot someone.
matter what other facts are raised, he's guilty in my mind. At least to an ex
The one I was speaking of wasn't prosecution video, per say; it was the on the ground shot of the shooting - and the angles they displayed during closing showed that they were [about] 4 feet apart - and that no one touched the gun barrel, nor could have, at the first shooting.
for me there is only one point. He grabbed weapons and went into
danger. They dn't come to him, he came to them. With the intent to
possibly shoot someone. matter what other facts are raised, he's
guilty in my mind. At least to an ex
He didn't bring the weapon. Someone gave it to him after he got there because they thought he might need to defend himself. Sounds like they were right.
It was the gun Kyle had his friend buy and was stored at his friends home.
So I assume his friend brought the gun for Kyle, Kyle was going to take the rifle one he turned 18 as it was ileagal for him to own, but was legal for him to carry.
MRO wrote to Dr. What <=-
yeah that's really horrific. that person has no humanity. he's whats wrong with society.
he doesn't care about the businesses that were burnt to the ground or
the people who were beat up.
he doesn't care about the businesses that were burnt to the ground or the people who were beat up.
I think it would be more accurate to say that he has chosen to ignore those facts, since they counter his Narrative.
It was the gun Kyle had his friend buy and was stored at his friends
home. So I assume his friend brought the gun for Kyle, Kyle was going
to take the rifle one he turned 18 as it was ileagal for him to own,
but was legal for him to carry.
apparently there's an issue with the laws there because they threw out the charge.
"Rittenhouse's defense team, however, successfully argued that there was a loophole in the law that says the misdemeanor only applies to 17-year-olds carrying short-barrel rifles. Carrying a short-barrel rifle at any age in Wisconsin is a felony, with exceptions for active military and police officers."
also they say the ar15 was illegally purchased for him. the one guy could have bought it to gift to him later. and it wasnt illegal for kyle to carr
Hylian wrote to Denn <=-
for me there is only one point. He grabbed weapons and went into
danger. They didn't come to him, he came to them. With the intent to possibly shoot someone.
apparently there's an issue with the laws there because they threw out the charge.
Yes the issue there was barrel length, if the barrel had been under a certain length it would have been ileagal.
They threw allot of crap on the wall to see what would stick, they way overcharged him, and the prosecuter picked up Kyle's gun and pointed it at
people in the courtroom with his finger clearly on the trigger, look what
The gun was paid for by Kyle, but his friend was still legal owner of it. kind of a shadey area legally I guess.
Hylian wrote to Denn <=-
for me there is only one point. He grabbed weapons and went into danger. They didn't come to him, he came to them. With the intent to possibly shoot someone.
Didn't his mother drive him there?
cities with riots. nothing was being done about it, really. it's like the city go
Yes I also noticed that, 535 riots and the Government (Democrat's) focus
one day in January, The reason is that one had right winger's protesting.
I think in 2022 if republcans take over the House and Senate they will go after those other rioter's with a vengence.
there's tons of mentally ill people in kenosha getting involved with this bullshit.
Arelor wrote to Hylian <=-
Cops arm themselves and go into public. Therefore any cop forfeits the right to self-defense claims.
There is no hole in that logic at all.
It was the gun Kyle had his friend buy and was stored at his friends home.
So I assume his friend brought the gun for Kyle, Kyle was going to take the rifle one he turned 18 as it was ileagal for him to own, but was legal for him
to carry.
Arelor wrote to Hylian <=-
Cops arm themselves and go into public. Therefore any cop forfeits the right to self-defense claims.
There is no hole in that logic at all.
There are holes big enough for the car Kyle Rittenhouse's mom used to drive him to the scene of the crime.
It was the gun Kyle had his friend buy and was stored at his friends home. So I assume his friend brought the gun for Kyle, Kyle was going
to take the rifle one he turned 18 as it was ileagal for him to own, but was legal for him to carry.
Re: Kyle Rittenhouse
By: Alterra to All on Sat Nov 13 2021 12:18 pm
just as a fun thing to do go look at mainstream news
they are calling Kyle a terrorist etc...
MSN NBC all of them
but if you go look at the actual court case...
you will see a very different story
but unfortunatly the media is popular and no one actually watches the court needless to say the court case is
completely different from the mainstream m
I read multiple news souirces tro compare notes, and MSNBC has been the worst regarding prtraying Rittenhouse.
a reporter for nbc/msnbc has been arrested for trying to take photos
of the jury.
apparently there's an issue with the laws there because they threw
out the charge.
Yes the issue there was barrel length, if the barrel had been under a
certain length it would have been ileagal.
it's more than that.
"Under Wisconsin law, anyone under 18 who possesses a dangerous weapon is guilty of a misdemeanor, unless they fall under an exception, such as for hunting, military service or target practice.
cities with riots. nothing was being done about it, really. it's
like the city go
Yes I also noticed that, 535 riots and the Government (Democrat's)
one day in January, The reason is that one had right winger's
protesting. I think in 2022 if republcans take over the House and
Senate they will go
after those other rioter's with a vengence.
one thing i find surprising is there's no police presence at the kenosha courthouse.
a man punched a woman and tried to take her sign. he then punched a photographer and body slammed him. where were the police?
way the fuck out of there. they showed up afterwards. then we have blm saying 'you hit me' to police.
there's tons of mentally ill people in kenosha getting involved with this bullshit.
Cops arm themselves and go into public. Therefore any cop forfeits
the right to self-defense claims.
There is no hole in that logic at all.
There are holes big enough for the car Kyle Rittenhouse's mom used to drive him to the scene of the crime.
It was the gun Kyle had his friend buy and was stored at his friends
home. So I assume his friend brought the gun for Kyle, Kyle was going
to take the rifle one he turned 18 as it was ileagal for him to own,
but was legal for him to carry.
I missed that ripple in the story, thanks for pointing it out.
It was the gun Kyle had his friend buy and was stored at his friends
home. So I assume his friend brought the gun for Kyle, Kyle was
going to take the rifle one he turned 18 as it was ileagal for him
to own, but was legal for him to carry.
Kyle grabbed the gun from the friends father in laws house; during the trial, nick said he didnt tell kyle to get it ... but didnt stop him when he did. KYLE brought the gun, from nicks father-in-laws house to kenosha.
Re: Re: Kyle Rittenhouse
By: MRO to all on Thu Nov 18 2021 01:48 pm
a reporter for nbc/msnbc has been arrested for trying to take photos
of the jury.
Jesus fuck. what the hell is wrong with that reporter?
I mean, this is the network that gave us Brian Williams and Matt Lauer...
... Interchangable devices won`t.
Count 1: First Degree Reckless Homicide - Not Guilty
Count 2: First Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety - Not Guilty
Count 3: First Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety - Not Guilty
Count 4: First Degree Intentional Homicide - Not Guilty
Count 5: Attempted First Degree Intentional Homicide - Not Guilty
Re: Kyle Rittenhouse
By: Thumper to All on Fri Nov 19 2021 10:22 am
Count 1: First Degree Reckless Homicide - Not Guilty
Count 2: First Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety - Not Guilty
Count 3: First Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety - Not Guilty
Count 4: First Degree Intentional Homicide - Not Guilty
Count 5: Attempted First Degree Intentional Homicide - Not Guilty
RIP Kenosha, WI
That city's going to burn. I'm not advocating for it, just acknowledging reality.
I wonder if I'll be able to see the smoke here, 110 miles or so (as the cro flies) northwest.
... Life is a sexually transmitted disease
there's tons of mentally ill people in kenosha getting involved with this bullshit.
a reporter for nbc/msnbc has been arrested for trying to take photos
of the jury.
they are banned now.
Count 1: First Degree Reckless Homicide - Not Guilty
Count 2: First Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety - Not Guilty
Count 3: First Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety - Not Guilty
Count 4: First Degree Intentional Homicide - Not Guilty
Count 5: Attempted First Degree Intentional Homicide - Not Guilty
Count 1: First Degree Reckless Homicide - Not GuiltyRIP Kenosha, WI
That city's going to burn. I'm not advocating for it, just acknowledging reality.
DaiTengu wrote to Thumper <=-
That city's going to burn. I'm not advocating for it, just
acknowledging reality.
Re: Re: Kyle Rittenhouse
By: MRO to all on Thu Nov 18 2021 01:48 pm
a reporter for nbc/msnbc has been arrested for trying to take photos
of the jury.
Jesus fuck. what the hell is wrong with that reporter?
I mean, this is the network that gave us Brian Williams and Matt Lauer...
"Under Wisconsin law, anyone under 18 who possesses a dangerous weapon is guilty of a misdemeanor, unless they fall under an exception, such as for hunting, military service or target practice.
I belive at that age (17) he could open carry but could not buy or own.
the laws in the US are F*CKed up pretty much everywhere.
there's tons of mentally ill people in kenosha getting involved with this bullshit.
How many trouble makers are comming from other states? usually in these riots most come from other places.
RIP Kenosha, WI
That city's going to burn. I'm not advocating for it, just acknowledging reality.
I wonder if I'll be able to see the smoke here, 110 miles or so (as the crow flies) northwest.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Kenosha,_Wisconsin#Mayors_(1 958 %E2%80%93present)
Someone actually put that Kyle Rittenhouse is the current Mayor lol.
DaiTengu wrote to Thumper <=-
That city's going to burn. I'm not advocating for it, just acknowledging reality.
It already did burn, or were you willfully ignoring what the "protesters" did last year.
But you are willfully ignoring that since it was your people doing it.
I've been in cities after riots. Even decades later, those areas NEVER recover.
there's something really strange about what was happening in those cities with >iots. nothing was being done about it, really. it's like the city govts wanted
to allow it to happen because they were afraid of being branded racist.
Or they wanted the Bad Orange Man gone. In Portland, the mayor didn't do much and even attended some riot events. Right after the election, he started complaining about Antifa being in his city.
I don't think it will burn hard since there is no longer a need to dethrone Trump :-P
Indeed. There will be some unrest, I am sure, but not like anything we'd have seen if Trump (or any Republican) was President.
Still it is sad to think a court process may be held hostage by the threat of riots.
Very much so. Also sad to think that a member of the US media, supposedly under the command of another member (their supervisor), would be harrassing jurors, but I guess that shows how low our media has fallen.
RIP Kenosha, WI
That city's going to burn. I'm not advocating for it, just acknowledging reali
The Babylon Bee is reporting that they may be disappointed by the lack of good protest equipment.
https://babylonbee.com/news/oh-no--antifa-brick-supply-sitting-in-cargo-ship -of f-the-coast-of-la/
"Under Wisconsin law, anyone under 18 who possesses a dangerous
weapon is guilty of a misdemeanor, unless they fall under an
exception, such as for hunting, military service or target
I belive at that age (17) he could open carry but could not buy or
own. the laws in the US are F*CKed up pretty much everywhere.
sometimes the laws are kind of loose because they are meant to be open to interpretation by judges. in some cases they are a mess and need to be fixed.
if a law confuses someone who's whole life is about interpreting the law, then you know you have a problem.
RIP Kenosha, WI
That city's going to burn. I'm not advocating for it, just
acknowledging reality.
I wonder if I'll be able to see the smoke here, 110 miles or so (as
the crow flies) northwest.
nope dude. 30f or colder at night.
nobody did anything. also trump isnt president so the governor didn't sit on his hands this time with the national guard.
nope dude. 30f or colder at night.
nobody did anything. also trump isnt president so the governor didn't sit on his hands this time with the national guard.
Plus they know from 2020 they're being watched carefully, Trump was the reason they did nothing in 2020 though, they let shit happen then tried to blame Trump, it backfired.
nope dude. 30f or colder at night.
nobody did anything. also trump isnt president so the governor
didn't sit on his hands this time with the national guard.
Plus they know from 2020 they're being watched carefully, Trump was
the reason they did nothing in 2020 though, they let shit happen then
tried to blame Trump, it backfired.
they let it happen AND they had drone footage from the govt. something sure was up
I agree, the police were there but not doing much to stop the Rioter's.
The Governer of Wisconsin and the Mayor of Kenosha should be charged with failure to protect the city and state.
They were total loser cowards.
and the fake news media is now gone off the deep end because Kyle was found not guilty.
the far left is throwing a huge pity party.
... TECHNICALITY: A liberal's view of the 2nd Amendment.
MRO wrote to Dr. What <=-
those businesses should pull out of kenosha. kenosha actually is a thriving county.
the mayor showed that he didnt give a shit about the businesses.
I agree, the police were there but not doing much to stop the
Rioter's. The Governer of Wisconsin and the Mayor of Kenosha should be
well i think the police in kenosha were trying but it was real hard.
they didnt have the experience or the backup they needed. that's why they welcomed armed civilians. something like this hasnt happened in our area o
if a law confuses someone who's whole life is about interpreting the
law, then you know you have a problem.
The prosecuter had to look up the legal barrel lenth laws, not even the judge knew what the law was.
the mayor showed that he didnt give a shit about the businesses.
Lefties never care about businesses. They have absoltely no comprehension of economics and think that money magically appears when they pass a tax bill.
they let it happen AND they had drone footage from the govt. something sure was
The fact that they have not used this footage to convict any of the rioters is telling.
i feel sorry for rittenhouse. his life is over. he needs to change his name an
appearance and move away.
I agree. It is going to get to the point that, even if you are legally defending yourself, our media will never leave you alone. Their predetermined guilty verdict will haunt you more than the courts' not
guilty verdict (or no charges) will ever help.
if a law confuses someone who's whole life is about interpreting
the law, then you know you have a problem.
The prosecuter had to look up the legal barrel lenth laws, not even
the judge knew what the law was.
It is the attorney's job to inform/educate/convince the judge.
they let it happen AND they had drone footage from the govt.was
something sure
The fact that they have not used this footage to convict any of the
rioters is telling.
they have got some of the rioters. you just dont get national news on it. the guy who fired the first gunshot was there with his wife to riot.
"Jury selection for Joshua Ziminiski is scheduled for Jan. 31. He has been charged with felony arson of property other than a building (for setting the contents of a dumpster on fire), misdemeanor disorderly conduct with use of a dangerous weapon and obstructing an officer."
they also got the black dude who kicked rittenhouse https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/jump-kick-man-who-kicked-kyle-rittenho use-identified-as-known-felon/
Denn wrote to MRO <=-
It's sad when a group of young armed men have to do the job the Politicians refuse to do.
The Fake news media are trying to paint the violent rioters as hero's
and trying to villanize someone using self-defence when they clearly
have a mob mentality and want to kill him.
the mayor showed that he didnt give a shit about the businesses.
Lefties never care about businesses. They have absoltely no comprehensio of economics and think that money magically appears when they pass a tax bill.
here is a link to the article
It's sad when a group of young armed men have to do the job the
Politicians refuse to do.
Which is the reason Kyle was charged in the first place.
The Fake news media are trying to paint the violent rioters as
hero's and trying to villanize someone using self-defence when they
clearly have a mob mentality and want to kill him.
They can't have the sheeple thinking that they can fight back. They have to keep the population feeling helpless - and dependant on the "experts" (you know, the ones out, standing in the fields) to tell them what to do to be "safe".
They can't have the sheeple thinking that they can fight back. They have to keep the population feeling helpless - and dependant on the "experts" (you know, the ones out, standing in the fields) to tell them what to do to be "safe".
they have got some of the rioters. you just dont get national news on it. the guy who fired the first gunshot was there with his wife to riot.
they have got some of the rioters. you just dont get national news on
it. the guy who fired the first gunshot was there with his wife to
Good, I am glad I was mistaken about the rioters not being prosecuted.
Denn wrote to Dr. What <=-
The ones who say "Follow the Science" but they themselves have no clue what the Science is.
The Scolds that tell us to wear a mask when they don't? :)
MRO wrote to Dr. What <=-
blm thinks they can fight back. that's why a guy was released on 500 dollar bail for ruinning his baby momma. and the other day he killed a bunch of kids
RIP Kenosha, WI
That city's going to burn. I'm not advocating for it, just acknowledging reality.
I wonder if I'll be able to see the smoke here, 110 miles or so (as the crow flies) northwest.
most progressives believe that he was a mass shooter who went there
to shoot black people at a blm protest. seriously. that is what most
of them believe.
MRO wrote to Dr. What <=-
blm thinks they can fight back. that's why a guy was released on 500
dollar bail for ruinning his baby momma. and the other day he
killed a bunch of kids
That's going to put the DA in a bad position.
Either he will do the right thing and put that guy away for a long, long time - and risk the wrath of his masters.
Or he will do the wrong thing and let the guy off with a symbolic punishment - and risk the wrath of all the voters.
Not true... I heard Kyle was going to stay behind and protect the city... He got his AR back the other day!!!
The ones who say "Follow the Science" but they themselves have no
clue what the Science is.
They tend to treat science as religion: Blindly follow it. You are not allowed to question the 'experts' that we've determined are experts. Facts that counter the Science Religion are just ignored because they must be false.
Re: Re: Kyle Rittenhouse
By: Dr. What to Denn on Tue Nov 23 2021 08:21 am
The ones who say "Follow the Science" but they themselves have no
clue what the Science is.
They tend to treat science as religion: Blindly follow it. You are
not allowed to question the 'experts' that we've determined are
experts. Facts that counter the Science Religion are just ignored
because they must be false.
They're the real white elitist's, they think we're just servants.
It's Funny a white elitist like Joe Biden calling a non racist white kid that.
Joe was good pal's with KKK Robert Byrd.
They tend to treat science as religion: Blindly follow it. You are not allowed to question the 'experts' that we've determined are experts. Fact that counter the Science Religion are just ignored because they must be fa
Denn wrote to Dr. What <=-
They're the real white elitist's, they think we're just servants.
It's Funny a white elitist like Joe Biden calling a non racist white
kid that.
Joe was good pal's with KKK Robert Byrd.
I often say that if a Leftie calls you <something bad>, you be sure of one thing: The Leftie is the one that is <something bad>.
i'm not sure if he got his ar-15 back from the city but he was awarded
one by a gun right's group.
he should auction off the ar-15 and pay his relocation fee.
also they're hoping to get the bail money back. his previous lawyer who was a scoundrel says it's all his.
The ones who say "Follow the Science" but they themselves have no
clue what the Science is.
They're the real white elitist's, they think we're just servants.
It's Funny a white elitist like Joe Biden calling a non racist
white kid that.
Joe was good pal's with KKK Robert Byrd.
"Joe Biden worried in 1977 that certain de-segregation policies would cause his children to grow up 'in a racial jungle'"
They tend to treat science as religion: Blindly follow it. You are
not allowed to question the 'experts' that we've determined are
experts. Fact that counter the Science Religion are just ignored
because they must be fa
This seems to be largely used a straw man. Most of the people who are
They're the real white elitist's, they think we're just servants.
It's Funny a white elitist like Joe Biden calling a non racist white
kid that.
Joe was good pal's with KKK Robert Byrd.
I often say that if a Leftie calls you <something bad>, you be sure of one thing: The Leftie is the one that is <something bad>.
Misdirection is a common Leftie tactic. Right out of "Rules for Radicals" by Alinsky.
This seems to be largely used a straw man. Most of the people who are college educated, understand high school/college level biology, etc. can and did read and understand the basics of how Covid behaves, how the
"Joe Biden worried in 1977 that certain de-segregation policies
would cause his children to grow up 'in a racial jungle'"
Also he blocked Black people from getting government positions when he was in the senate.
Re: Re: Kyle Rittenhouse
By: phiax to Dr. What on Wed Nov 24 2021 08:14 am
They tend to treat science as religion: Blindly follow it. You
are not allowed to question the 'experts' that we've determined are
experts. Fact that counter the Science Religion are just ignored
because they must be fa
This seems to be largely used a straw man. Most of the people who
OMG why don't you just paste a whole frigging book in one message?
who the hell want's to waste all that time reading this message?
OMG why don't you just paste a whole frigging book in one message?
who the hell want's to waste all that time reading this message?
Look at Ilhan Omar she is an out-and-out unapologetic racist.
Re: Re: Kyle Rittenhouse
By: Denn to phiax on Wed Nov 24 2021 10:19 am
OMG why don't you just paste a whole frigging book in one message?
who the hell want's to waste all that time reading this message?
What ELSE are you doing with your copious amounts of time you're wasting online?
Too many words, apparently.
"Joe Biden worried in 1977 that certain de-segregation policies
would cause his children to grow up 'in a racial jungle'"
Also he blocked Black people from getting government positions when
he was in the senate.
the funny thing is kamala was one of those kids getting bussed.
This seems to be largely used a straw man. Most of the people who
OMG why don't you just paste a whole frigging book in one message?
who the hell want's to waste all that time reading this message?
maybe he was in jail in solitary confinement and had to let it all out.
OMG why don't you just paste a whole frigging book in one message?
who the hell want's to waste all that time reading this message?
What ELSE are you doing with your copious amounts of time you're wasting online?
Look at Ilhan Omar she is an out-and-out unapologetic racist.
Got a source for an example of that?
Philosophically, should any external power impose lockdowns or vaccinations, no, but pragmatically, they have to, since many people will operate in what they perceive as their best interest rather than the rational decision that protects their own communities. Basically everyone *should* be smart enough to understand the factors at play and the medical science behind it, but tha is frankly too much for a lot of people. We should all be (unless we have histories of severe reactions to vaccines) wanting to get the shot on our ow because the benefits to yourself and the community vastly outweigh potential risk or limitations. We should all want to mask when there are active outbreaks in the communities and as communities be informed when it is safe to go without. I live on a small island community and we have done fucking great. There have been outbreaks (especially last Christmas), but everyone got serious and most people who could are vaccinated [something like 80%] an most of this year, the mask regulations have been off or optional and no significant lockdowns.
majority of people. Lots of other countries avoided this by making outright fraud and bribery illegal, but also in having coalition based governance, which allows for lots of parties and actually makes it easier to build blocs of political power (and keep shitheads in check) with more and modest-sized parties.
Re: Re: Kyle Rittenhouse
By: phiax to Dr. What on Wed Nov 24 2021 08:14 am
They tend to treat science as religion: Blindly follow it. You are
not allowed to question the 'experts' that we've determined are
experts. Fact that counter the Science Religion are just ignored
because they must be fa
This seems to be largely used a straw man. Most of the people who are
OMG why don't you just paste a whole frigging book in one message?
who the hell want's to waste all that time reading this message?
... Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?
What ELSE are you doing with your copious amounts of time you're wast online?
Sure as fuck not coping and pasting novels on a BBS.
But I see you wasted your time replying to me.
Bribery is pretty much still going on in countries where direct campaign contributions are not allowed. They usually just put the revenue generatin machine out of the party itself: they create fundations, unions and non-profits, which are the ones taking the money. Officially they are not related to the party, but everybody knows they are doing the party's dirty work.
Sure as fuck not coping and pasting novels on a BBS.
But I see you wasted your time replying to me.
Yes go look up the videos on youtube there are plenty.Look at Ilhan Omar she is an out-and-out unapologetic racist.Got a source for an example of that?
phiax wrote to Dr. What <=-
This seems to be largely used a straw man.
Most of the people who are
college educated, understand high school/college level biology, etc.
can and did read and understand the basics of how Covid behaves, how
the vaccination works, etc.
phiax wrote to Dr. What <=-
Biden is the furthest thing from a Leftie. He's a pro-capital, center-right neoliberal tool of billionaires. As are 90% of the people
in the Senate, on both sides, really.
There is not a two party system in the US, there is a one party system.
Both are paid by the same corporations and hedge funds.
Denn wrote to phiax <=-
OMG why don't you just paste a whole frigging book in one message?
who the hell want's to waste all that time reading this message?
I think she was lying like a Biden when she said that.
These people make up stories and insert themselves as a main poor picked on human being to garner pity.
Look at all the bullshit stories Biden tells.
Look at all the bullshit stories Biden tells.
I think he snuck into the administrators office at the mental institute and posted some crap he found on the dark web.---
That guy for sure is not sane.
I think he snuck into the administrators office at the mental institute and posted some crap he found on the dark web.
That guy for sure is not sane.
I guess your brain rots if you don't use it. I didn't see any real systematic refutation of anything except "nugh-uh, it's not" of any points... well, besides people complaining about the length of the post. But then again, if things aren't spoonfed in YouTube/InfoWars/Fox News soundbites, there are plenty of people who don't read...
Re: Re: Kyle Rittenhouse
By: Denn to Trikester on Thu Nov 25 2021 12:45 am
Look at Ilhan Omar she is an out-and-out unapologetic racist.
Got a source for an example of that?Yes go look up the videos on youtube there are plenty.
You haven't provided a single source for your comment. Saying "go look it up" is a total cop-out, which means you actually have nothing to back up your statement with at this time.
Most of the people who are
college educated, understand high school/college level biology, etc.
can and did read and understand the basics of how Covid behaves, how
the vaccination works, etc.
Most of the people who went to college did not get an education. That's been true now for at least the last decade.
What ELSE are you doing with your copious amounts of time you're
wast online?
Sure as fuck not coping and pasting novels on a BBS.
But I see you wasted your time replying to me.
Hahaha! Didn't copy shit. Just typed it out in like 15 min and really didn't edit.
Look at Ilhan Omar she is an out-and-out unapologetic racist.
Got a source for an example of that?Yes go look up the videos on youtube there are plenty.
You haven't provided a single source for your comment. Saying "go look it up" is a total cop-out, which means you actually have nothing to back up your statement with at this time.
... "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" - Freud
I think she was lying like a Biden when she said that.
These people make up stories and insert themselves as a main poor
picked on human being to garner pity.
Look at all the bullshit stories Biden tells.
she just might have been stupid and not lying.
" Berkeley Public Schools, Harris's elementary school district, released a statement addressing Harris's comment on their website:
"Senator Harris is correct in describing her experience as the second class to be part of the busing integration program. All Berkeley
Look at all the bullshit stories Biden tells.
whaaat? you mean he didn't drive an 18 wheeler???
"a White House spokesperson could only point to a December 1973 article from the Wilmington Evening Journal that showed Biden rode in an 18-wheeler, not that he drove one."
Most of the people who are
college educated, understand high school/college level biology,
etc. can and did read and understand the basics of how Covid
behaves, how the vaccination works, etc.
Most of the people who went to college did not get an education.
That's been true now for at least the last decade.
c's get degrees. I'm a college dropout who has fired tons of college educated people. In most cases they are lacking softskills. Most aren't or
c's get degrees. I'm a college dropout who has fired tons of college educated people. In most cases they are lacking softskills. Most aren't
That's because book learning and real life experiences are totally differen in the real world you can't always use what you learn from a book.
Most of the people who went to college did not get an education. That been true now for at least the last decade.
c's get degrees. I'm a college dropout who has fired tons of college educated pe ople. In most cases they are lacking softskills. Most
aren't organized and are afraid of learning new things.
Well it was 15 minutes of total bs, most people lose intrest in psycobabb it's better to post short coherent messages than it is to try and drown th reader in a mountain of crap.
c's get degrees. I'm a college dropout who has fired tons of
college educated people. In most cases they are lacking
softskills. Most aren't
That's because book learning and real life experiences are totally
differen in the real world you can't always use what you learn from a
Well it was 15 minutes of total bs, most people lose intrest in
psycobabb it's better to post short coherent messages than it is to
try and drown th reader in a mountain of crap.
Just because it uses "big words" doesn't mean you can't be a big boy and look it up.
Online debate requires not just spouting random bullshit that you believe because your were directed to believe it and you follow it it on some faith in media that reinforces your cognitive biases. It requires you to make logic points based on verifiable facts and logical deductions from those things.
If you want to jack each other off wearing nothing but your MAGA hats, that's fine, but don't think nobody will call you all out for being a ignorant shitholes that are more interesting in ostriching rather be participant citizens.
Yes I did youtube has all the videos of every politcal idiot vomiting their hate and racism's.You haven't provided a single source for your comment. Saying "go look it up" is a total cop-out, which means you actuallyLook at Ilhan Omar she is an out-and-out unapologetic racist.
Got a source for an example of that?Yes go look up the videos on youtube there are plenty.
have nothing to back up your statement with at this time.
I assume you're smart enough to search youtube.
MRO wrote to Dr. What <=-
c's get degrees. I'm a college dropout who has fired tons of college educated people. In most cases they are lacking softskills. Most
aren't organized and are afraid of learning new things.
Denn wrote to phiax <=-
Well it was 15 minutes of total bs, most people lose intrest in psycobabble, it's better to post short coherent messages than it is to
try and drown the reader in a mountain of crap.
Denn wrote to MRO <=-
That's because book learning and real life experiences are totally different. in the real world you can't always use what you learn from a book.
phiax wrote to MRO <=-
Having a degree does not make you smart,
but paying attention when they
are teaching the scientific method, media criticism, general media
skills, structuralist analytical methods, basic psychology, etc.
You can be the smartest motherfucker on the planet, but if you don't
know how to logically process information with consciousness and suspension of your own biases and have learned how to break down arguments, you will be ultimately be mislead by external influences.
No, that's not providing a source. YouTube is not a source. That's like saying "It's on the Internet". Or even better "It exists somewhere."
Well it was 15 minutes of total bs, most people lose intrest in
psycobabble, it's better to post short coherent messages than it is
to try and drown the reader in a mountain of crap.
If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with BS.
c's get degrees. I'm a college dropout who has fired tons of college
educated pe ople. In most cases they are lacking softskills. Most
aren't organized and are afraid of learning new things.
Spoken like people with no education, shitty jobs, a lack of understanding of political systems, poor media criticism skills, etc.
Having a degree does not make you smart, but paying attention when they are teaching the scientific method, media criticism, general media skills, structuralist analytical methods, basic psychology, etc. If not you
You can be the smartest motherfucker on the planet, but if you don't know how to logically process information with consciousness and suspension of your own biases and have learned how to break down arguments, you will be ultimately be mislead by external influences.
No, that's not providing a source. YouTube is not a source. That's like saying "It's on the Internet". Or even better "ItYes youtube is a source, even News outlets use it as citation in their broadcast's.
exists somewhere."
Youtube has a search engine learn to use it.
If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with BS.They always try to make themselves out to be smart, they don't realize how stupid their wordy nonsense psycobabble sounds when
read out loud.
The internet has search engines, but you think someone should use that to back up your claim?
Sorry, the burden of proof is on you and your nonsense claim. It's your claim, do you get that?
No, that's not providing a source. YouTube is not a source. That'sYes youtube is a source, even News outlets use it as citation in their
like saying "It's on the Internet". Or even better "It exists
broadcast's. Youtube has a search engine learn to use it.
The internet has search engines, but you think someone should use that to back up your claim?
Sorry, the burden of proof is on you and your nonsense claim. It's your claim, do you get that?
Go learn how things work - you claimed a thing, but were called BS on it, and you can't back it up.
There is no evidence to support your claim, and if there were, it wouldn't be such a problem for you to back it up. If you can't back it up, then perhaps you should walk back your nonsense.
If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with BS.They always try to make themselves out to be smart, they don't realize
how stupid their wordy nonsense psycobabble sounds when read out loud.
What an incredible cop out of the ignorant. Smart stuff is hard ain't it.
There is no evidence to support your claim, and if there were, it
wouldn't be such a problem for you to back it up. If you can't back it
up, then perhaps you should walk back your nonsense.
There is no evidence to support your claim, and if there were, it wouldn't be such a problem for you to back it up. If you can't back it up, then perhaps you should walk back your nonsense.Oh please. You're just being obtuse. Bring up Google and search for Ilhan Omar racist. Plenty of evidence. You may not find
results from MSNBC or CNN but you will find articles (WSJ good enough?) with direct quotes.
This is BBS messaging. Even though it works, copying and pasting links etc is a pain. Be a grown up and use the search engine
yourself and stop deflecting. We see through you.
Don't be so fucking lazy, go look it up, it's been on all the real news channels stop just watching your fakenews fucking CNN.
You could even google it.
No I refuse to do your research for you, Ilhan Omar is a racist try google. you're the one calling me a liar go do your
research or shut the fuck up!
Go google it lazy ass.
Dude go crawl back in your hole, you're to lazy or stupid to google anything, all you want to do is argue about shit.
There is no evidence to support your claim, and if there were, itOh please. You're just being obtuse. Bring up Google and search for
wouldn't be such a problem for you to back it up. If you can't
back it up, then perhaps you should walk back your nonsense.
Ilhan Omar racist. Plenty of evidence. You may not find results from
MSNBC or CNN but you will find articles (WSJ good enough?) with direct
quotes. This is BBS messaging. Even though it works, copying and
pasting links etc is a pain. Be a grown up and use the search engine
yourself and stop deflecting. We see through you.
Are you a Denn apologist? How do you think BBS messaging works? Sommeone makes an ignorant claim, refuses to back up that claim, and it's up to the other party/ies to go prove that person correct? Please.
The last bastion of the ignorant. You can't even have a discussion with anyone. Are all your discussions like this:
"Hey Denn, why do you feel that your statement is fact?"
Dude go crawl back in your hole, you're to lazy or stupid to google
anything, all you want to do is argue about shit.
And all you want to do is have an easy circle-jerk with ignorants who spread garbage as fact. Yes, you'll get some push back on that, which it seems you can't handle.
Perhaps reconsider the bile you're spewing and maybe you'll get less push back.
Of course, it is mediocre white men who feel like they don't need to try (and feel
most threatened about everything).
Re: Re: Kyle Rittenhouse
By: Denn to Trikester on Thu Nov 25 2021 05:46 pm
Yes I did youtube has all the videos of every politcal idiot vomiting their hatYou haven't provided a single source for your comment. Saying "go look it uYes go look up the videos on youtube there are plenty.Look at Ilhan Omar she is an out-and-out unapologetic racist. Tr>> Got a source for an example of that?
is a total cop-out, which means you actually have nothing to back up your
statement with at this time.
and racism's.
I assume you're smart enough to search youtube.
No, that's not providing a source. YouTube is not a source. That's like saying "I
on the Internet". Or even better "It exists somewhere."
None of which cites an actual source. Sources are *specific*.
Perhaps you should stop blabbering hateful ignorance until you can come up with a
solid single referenceable fact.
phiax wrote to MRO <=-
Having a degree does not make you smart,
No, but having a degree is supposed to mean that you learned something.
but paying attention when they
are teaching the scientific method, media criticism, general media skills, structuralist analytical methods, basic psychology, etc.
They don't teach anything like that in most colleges today.
You can be the smartest motherfucker on the planet, but if you don't know how to logically process information with consciousness and suspension of
your own biases and have learned how to break down arguments, you will be
ultimately be mislead by external influences.
So... That means you don't have a degree then.
Denn wrote to Dr. What <=-
If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with BS.
They always try to make themselves out to be smart, they don't realize how stupid their wordy nonsense psycobabble sounds when read out loud.
Denn wrote to Trikester <=-
Yes youtube is a source, even News outlets use it as citation in their broadcast's.
Trikester wrote to Denn <=-
You haven't provided a single source for your comment. Saying "go look
it up" is a total cop-out, which means you actually have nothing to
back up your statement with at this time.
3. Criticize the proof as "lefty garbage", fake news or worse.
Yes go look up the videos on youtube there are plenty.Look at Ilhan Omar she is an out-and-out unapologetic racist. Tr>>> Got a source for an example of that?
The problem with demanding people to post sources once and again and again is that oftentimes those sources have already been posted. It gets tiresome after a while.
It is like Linux and BSD mailing lists. If somebody comes up and asks for help with a problem, somebody will help him. If another person comes up a week later with the same problem, somebody will help him. When the third one pops up with yet again the same problem, the guys who have been helping people all this time long will be fed up already and just say "Look, buddy, the solution to that is everywhere in the mailing list archives, so why don't you give Duckduckgo a try before bothering us again?"
If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with BS.
They always try to make themselves out to be smart, they don't
realize how stupid their wordy nonsense psycobabble sounds when read
out loud.
They don't realize because they test their drivel out on other Lefties who are impressed by it.
Yes youtube is a source, even News outlets use it as citation in
their broadcast's.
But I have to point out that "news" outlets have also used The Onion and Babelon Bee as "sources" for their stories too.
You haven't provided a single source for your comment. Saying "go
look it up" is a total cop-out, which means you actually have
nothing to back up your statement with at this time.
1. Make a claim.
2. Put the burden of proof on the reader.
3. Criticize the proof as "lefty garbage", fake news or worse.
Are you a Denn apologist? How do you think BBS messaging works? Sommeone makes an ignorant claim, refuses to back up that claim, and it's up to
the other party/ies to go prove that person correct? Please.
But I have to point out that "news" outlets have also used The Onion and Babelon Bee as "sources" for their stories too.
Exactly, you pretty much accused me of lying, so prove I lied or STFU.
She has been pretty outspoken, you can easily find her RACIST coments about Jewish people and others, Oh I get it you're afraid
that you'll see the truth and that's one thing a leftist can't stand.
a Leftist will never admit that they're wrong, that would crush their oversized ego's.
Go reread your post's to others including me, sure here you try the old sly BS trying to make it sound like you asked a
question all nicety nice but the fact is you're an arrogaant ass.
1st off it's not push back, it's easy as hell to google and see her racism on video, and you must have a deep fetish for
masturbation becase you sure talk about it allot in your reply's
The problem with demanding people to post sources once and again and again is that oftentimes those sources have already been
posted. It gets tiresome after a while.
It is like Linux and BSD mailing lists. If somebody comes up and asks for help with a problem, somebody will help him. If
problem, the guys who have been helping people all this time long will be fed up already and just say "Look, buddy, the solution
that is everywhere in the mailing list archives, so why don't you give Duckduckgo a try before bothering us again?"
Trikester wrote to Denn <=-
You haven't provided a single source for your comment. Saying "go look it up" is a total cop-out, which means you actually have nothing to back up your statement with at this time.
1. Make a claim.
2. Put the burden of proof on the reader.
3. Criticize the proof as "lefty garbage", fake news or worse.
4. Repeat.
I don't know Denn from Denny's. But I do know you are just being obtuse as I said before. If something is obscure then yes,
someone for "proof" would be reasonable. But when something is common knowledge and a simple web search brings results on the
But it doesn't matter. I doubt you'd admit it if your were wrong anyway.
Speaking of admitting when I am wrong. You are correct, not everything Omar utters that some call racism actually is. It's
bigotry and anti-semitism.
But I have to point out that "news" outlets have also used The Onion
and Babelon Bee as "sources" for their stories too.
It's true. Wonder what story this "sourced" "news" "out there"? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDWo6m5hbG4
You made a claim, but you refuse to back it up. It's not my claim, can you quote anything she said that you're so sensitive about?
Being critical about Isreal or the USA doesn't make you a racist. You should go look up what racism actually is before your panties get bunched up too tight.
And hey, now you've done in to the whole "us vs them", "lefty vs righty" territory. Good job, but you've shown you can't have a discussion. And, if you can't have a discussion, why do you continue to post?
Go reread your post's to others including me, sure here you try the
old sly BS trying to make it sound like you asked a question all
nicety nice but the fact is you're an arrogaant ass.
Pointing out that you have no idea what you're talking about makes one arrogant?
Philosophically, should any external power impose lockdowns or vaccinations, no, but pragmatically, they have to, since many people will operate in what they perceive as their best interest rather than the rational decision that protects their own communities. Basically everyone *should* be smart enough to understand the factors at play and the medical science behind it, but tha is frankly too much for a lot of people. We should all be (unless we have histories of severe reactions to vaccines) wanting to get the shot on our ow because the benefits to yourself and the community vastly outweigh potential risk or limitations. We should all want to mask when there are active outbreaks in the communities and as communities be informed when it is safe to go without. I live on a small island community and we have done fucking great. There have been outbreaks (especially last Christmas), but everyone got serious and most people who could are vaccinated [something like 80%] an most of this year, the mask regulations have been off or optional and no significant lockdowns.
Arelor wrote to Dr. What <=-
Degrees nowadays are compliance badges rather than a knowledge or
training certificate.
My experience in Engineering was that you were trained to memorize
methods to solve classic problems. The exams consisted in figuring out which sort of classic problem each given exercise was, and apply the corresponding method to it.
I don't think that it would have been possible to run my Engineering classes other way, in any case, since people came very underprepared
from highschool. We had people in 2nd level of Engineering who didn't
know their highschool English or Maths, to embarassing degrees.
Denn wrote to Dr. What <=-
Then he gets mad and starts his potty mouth BS wich tells me he knows we're right, It's a leftist strategy used often to belittle and berate people so they won't question their lunatic BS.
What he fails to see is that Racism comes in all colors.
Trikester wrote to Denn <=-
The internet has search engines, but you think someone should use that
to back up your claim?
Denn wrote to Trikester <=-
Sorry, the burden of proof is on you and your nonsense claim. It's your claim, do you get that?
No I refuse to do your research for you, Ilhan Omar is a racist try google. you're the one calling me a liar go do your research or shut
the fuck up!
Trikester wrote to Otto Reverse <=-
I have previously heard of and read about this whine about Ilhan
Omar... the problem is, there's nothing to suggest she's racist. At
least, nothing that fits the definition of 'racist', but I suspect Denn and perhaps yourself use the term pretty loosely.
But that's the thing - you've got it in your mind that it's "common knowledge". I dare say it isn't, which is why I question it. He's the
Then he gets mad and starts his potty mouth BS wich tells me he knows we're right, It's a leftist strategy used often to belittle and berate people so they won't question their lunatic BS.
That never works with me.
What he fails to see is that Racism comes in all colors.
Re: Re: Kyle Rittenhouse
By: Dr. What to Denn on Sun Nov 28 2021 08:23 am
But I have to point out that "news" outlets have also used The Onion and Babelon Bee as "sources" for their stories too.
It's true. Wonder what story this "sourced" "news" "out there"? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDWo6m5hbG4
Is that someone's name? Friend of yours?
It's true. Wonder what story this "sourced" "news" "out there"? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDWo6m5hbG4
That wasn't even entertaining.
parody should at least be funny.
2. Put the burden of proof on the reader.
as it should be, even when you post the facts you people don't bother looking
up the provided link(s) so that's a waste of my time.
When you post crap I have looked up your sources before and it's alway one sided BS, I need a shovel just to get through the bullshit.
It's like the purposely wanted to produce dumb people. Today I know that's because they goal was to produce people who vote for people like Biden.
2. Put the burden of proof on the reader.
as it should be, even when you post the facts you people don't bother looking
up the provided link(s) so that's a waste of my time.
When you post crap I have looked up your sources before and it's alway one sided BS, I need a shovel just to get through the bullshit.
I can vouch for this. There used to be someone I would debate with in FIDO Politics. He'd make some odd claim about what I had posted, so then I
would reply with multiple links (including links from CNN, MSNBC, and, if the debate warranted, government sources like the CDC etc.) and he would
Then he gets mad and starts his potty mouth BS wich tells me he knows
we're right, It's a leftist strategy used often to belittle and berate
people so they won't question their lunatic BS.
That never works with me.
What he fails to see is that Racism comes in all colors.
he's just trolling here. dont play the game.
That wasn't even entertaining.
parody should at least be funny.
No. It's not funny. Who will provide the humor in this poor thread?
as it should be, even when you post the facts you people don't bother
looking up the provided link(s) so that's a waste of my time.
When you post crap I have looked up your sources before and it's alway
one sided BS, I need a shovel just to get through the bullshit.
I can vouch for this. There used to be someone I would debate with in FIDO Politics. He'd make some odd claim about what I had posted, so then I would reply with multiple links (including links from CNN, MSNBC, and, if the debate warranted, government sources like the CDC etc.) and he would shut up.
Dumas Walker wrote to DR. WHAT <=-
It's like the purposely wanted to produce dumb people. Today I know that's because they goal was to produce people who vote for people like Biden.
Or to even the playing field. It is easier to bring the overachievers down than it is to try to bring underachievers up.
poindexter FORTRAN wrote to Trikester <=-
I don't know how "If you can't refute my baseless claim, it must be
true" got to be a thing.
Dumas Walker wrote to DENN <=-
I think he wanted to see how many links I would respond with each time, knowing that I was working to disprove his crap while he did nothing.
It's true. Wonder what story this "sourced" "news" "out there"? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDWo6m5hbG4
i like this one
No. It's not funny. Who will provide the humor in this poor thread?
Ok try this one.
i like this one
I see what you did there, but that did help my stress quite a bit! Thanks.
Dumas Walker wrote to DR. WHAT <=-
It's like the purposely wanted to produce dumb people. Today I know that because they goal was to produce people who vote for people like Biden.
Or to even the playing field. It is easier to bring the overachievers down than it is to try to bring underachievers up.
True. Socialists keep saying that they want to bring everyone up, but they' only been able to bring everyone down (except for the "important" people - Socialism brings them up ALOT).
... It said "Insert disk #3", but only 2 will fit!
but paying attention when they
are teaching the scientific method, media criticism, general media skills, structuralist analytical methods, basic psychology, etc.
They don't teach anything like that in most colleges today.
You can be the smartest motherfucker on the planet, but if you don't know how to logically process information with consciousness and suspension of your own biases and have learned how to break down arguments, you will be ultimately be mislead by external influences.
So... That means you don't have a degree then.
like i said, go back to reddit, faggot.
I think it is unfair to paint vaccine-hesitant outlets as selfish, self interested assholes, as if the other side was not making profits in spades.
I think it is unfair to paint vaccine-hesitant outlets as selfish, self interested assholes, as if the other side was not making profits in spades.
Granted, I think it is completely fucked that people are making far too much money
this shit. I mean, sure people are entitled to paychecks, don't get me wrong, but
shareholders for big pharma are milking this shit, without a doubt.
I think what is lacking in your argument is the origin fallacy. That because people
are being shitty and exploitative, it makes the vaccines themselves somehow suspect
efficacy. That is a big logical jump.
like i said, go back to reddit, faggot.
Oh, now I am incentivized to shit on your little circle-jerk session.
I know you go on these little echo-chamber forums to not be called a fucking moron (as you are certainly called, day in and day out in real life), so I'll stick around just to remind you when you are being a dumbshit.
Besides, you are probably going to die of heart disease within a few years, so might as well help you feel less lonely in the meantime.
like i said, go back to reddit, faggot.
Oh, now I am incentivized to shit on your little circle-jerk session.
I know you go on these little echo-chamber forums to not be called a fucking moron (as you are certainly called, day in and day out in real life), so I'll stick around just to remind you when you are being a dumbshit.
Besides, you are probably going to die of heart disease within a few years, so might as well help you feel less lonely in the meantime.
phiax wrote to Dr. What <=-
So... That means you don't have a degree then.
I have several.
perquisite. Rather, that people who focused on self betterment rather than beer, degree or not, would cultivate the basic intellectual capacity and tools of discrimination to not swallow echo-chamber media (as the majority o conservatives and liberals do).
Quoting Dr. What to Alterra <=-
Alterra wrote to All <=-
just as a fun thing to do go look at mainstream news
they are calling Kyle a terrorist etc...
MSN NBC all of them
but if you go look at the actual court case...
you will see a very different story
That's why many of the "journalists" who piled on to Rittenhouse are starting to issue retractions. They are close to getting sued.
but unfortunatly the media is popular and no one actually watches the court case needless to say the court case is completely different from
the mainstream media
Unfortunately, true.
Quoting Denn to Dr. What <=-
Re: Re: Kyle Rittenhouse
By: Dr. What to Denn on Sun Nov 14 2021 01:30 pm
I'm talking about the Media and political talking heads, they all
use the exact same wording, that shows us it's an organized
discrediting campaign, They will wind up being sued and losing
millions just like in the Covington kid case.
If Kyle's lucky. It will be at least some compensation for the pain and suffering they put him through.
Im sure he'll be a Millionair when the dust settles.
but they're to stupid to learn from their mistakes.
In order to learn from your mistakes, you must first ADMIT (most of all to yourself) that you made a mistake. Lefties are incapable of doing that.
They rarely admit to mistakes.
Quoting Hylian to Denn <=-
Re: Re: Kyle Rittenhouse
By: MRO to Dr. What on Sun Nov 14 2021 07:57 pm
for me there is only one point. He grabbed weapons and went into danger. They didn't come to him, he came to them. With the intent to possibly
shoot someone. No matter what other facts are raised, he's guilty in my mind. At least to an extent. If they had shown up at his residence, then
I could at least consider self defense. When you arm yourself and go
into public, you are preparing to kill someone. That's not defense,
that's offense. I'm sorry, i will never see it any other way.
Quoting Denn to Trikester <=-
Re: Re: Kyle Rittenhouse
By: Trikester to Denn on Wed Nov 24 2021 04:31 pm
Look at Ilhan Omar she is an out-and-out unapologetic racist.
Got a source for an example of that?
Yes go look up the videos on youtube there are plenty.
... I'd insult you, but you're not bright enough to notice.
þ Synchronet þ outwestbbs.com - the Outwest BBS
just as a fun thing to do go look at mainstream news
They had NO case from day one. I was partly expecting the defense to rest after they stood up and thanked the prosecuter for making their case.
I'm not a rittenhouse supporter, but it was self defense. Was he stupid for being there in the first place? Yes. But, stupidity doesn't warrant a conviction. If that were the case, we would all be under house arrest.
Look at Ilhan Omar she is an out-and-out unapologetic racist.
Got a source for an example of that?
Yes go look up the videos on youtube there are plenty.
Using YouTube as a source is not viable. Anyone can claim
to be a legit news organization and post.
boy you are really new here. you really don't know shit, boy.
dovenet isnt an echo chamber for anybody.
So I'll just add you to my ignore list since I am now certain that you wil have nothing of value to ever say.
boy you are really new here. you really don't know shit, boy.
dovenet isnt an echo chamber for anybody.
Explain it to me, cupcake. To looks like a circle-jerk to me...
So I'll just add you to my ignore list since I am now certain that
you wil have nothing of value to ever say.
HAHA! And you call leftists snowflakes.
"Whaaa!!! I am ill-equipped to respond logically and intelligently to a debate, so I will lean into anti-illectualism and block you so you don't make me feel dumb. Whaaa!!!"
That's ok Mr. Potty mouth, we'll just end up putting you in our twit list's so we won't even see what you post.like i said, go back to reddit, faggot.Oh, now I am incentivized to shit on your little circle-jerk session.
All you do is call names and throw huge shit fits when you're challenged.
like i said, go back to reddit, faggot.
Oh, now I am incentivized to shit on your little circle-jerk
That's ok Mr. Potty mouth, we'll just end up putting you in our twit
list's so we won't even see what you post. All you do is call names
and throw huge shit fits when you're challenged.
Denn, you seem to have a massive lack of self-awareness. You just proved his and my previous points about your circle-jerks. You don't seem to understand tha when people challenge you, you go off in 20 different directions spending all your time and effort deflecting, rejecting and circle-jerking.
How do you do exactly what you claim others are doing, and then get angry and self-righteous at someone for reacting to the poor behaviour?
Why do you think people show up here for a bit and then disappear? This. Exactly this. The toxic little group of completely non-self-aware angries.
Jazzy J wrote to Dr. What <=-
They had NO case from day one. I was partly expecting the defense to
rest after they stood up and thanked the prosecuter for making their
They had NO case from day one. I was partly expecting the defense to
rest after they stood up and thanked the prosecuter for making their
Correct. They had no case. It shouldn't have even gone to trial.
But the case wasn't about Rittenhouse. It was about the right to self-defence.
We've delt with several people like you that come in like you're the smartest people on the planet, but as soon as we challengelike i said, go back to reddit, faggot.
Oh, now I am incentivized to shit on your little circle-jerk
I've noticed that all you Troll's use the same basic patterns, Belittle, berate, call names when you get owned.
that's what you leftist's troll's with degree's do belittle, berate and call names, point proven!
I don't get angry, and it's you that acusses other's of what you yourself does, typical leftist tactic.
Because they're Troll's just seeking attention and after we call them out enough they just get pissed and leave, Not our fault
I've noticed that all you Troll's use the same basic patterns,
Belittle, berate, call names when you get owned. that's what you
leftist's troll's with degree's do belittle, berate and call names,
point proven! I don't get angry, and it's you that acusses other's of
what you yourself does, typical leftist tactic. Because they're
Troll's just seeking attention and after we call them out enough they
just get pissed and leave, Not our fault
What kind of argument is it to suggesting having a degree is a bad thing? lol!
Sorry, Denn, I don't know what kind of deluded world you live in, but you're glomming everyone who tries to point out the truth to you in to one scary goblin troll monster.
What kind of argument is it to suggesting having a degree is a bad thing? lol!Never said it's a bad thing to have a degree, my point is a degree seems to make some (yourself included) become egobags.
People don't percieve you to be as smart as you think you are.
They had NO case from day one. I was partly expecting the defense to rest after they stood up and thanked the prosecuter for making their case.
Correct. They had no case. It shouldn't have even gone to trial.
But the case wasn't about Rittenhouse. It was about the right to self-defence.
The Left needs to have people feeling like they need the gov't to "protect" themfrom bad people. What better way than to manufacture bad people (like BLM and the mis-named Anfifa)?
On 03 Dec 21 12:46 you wrote to me <=-
I don't think he was stupid for being there, here's why.
1.He wanted to make a difference in his community.
2.He was there to help clean the graffiti the roiters were doing.
3.the Police had limited resources and actually appreciated citizen's stepping up to help protect businesses.
Many of the roiters were from out of state they weren't there to peacefully protest.
Kyle although not a medic had training and was on video helping people that were injured.
4.He was helping protect a Business.
He had more rights to be there than the rioters had.
the Peaceful protesters were not causing problems.
As he was young, and untrained, I don't consider the decision wise, by no means.
Add training, give him a few team members, and you have a squad of people that could really affect a change. The members would have protected one another.
I don't think he was stupid for being there, here's why.
I should not have used the term "stupid." That gives a connotation of a lowered intelligence level.
What I meant was that he was aware of the high probability of violence and he decided to put himself in that situation.
As he was young, and untrained, I don't consider the decision wise, by no means.
This is a little off topic, but I can't stop thinking of how sorry the prosecuter was. It was almost like the trial was a made-for-tv segment and somebody forgot to give him the script.
This is a little off topic, but I can't stop thinking of how sorry the prosecuter was. It was almost like the trial was a made-for-tv segment and somebody forgot to give him the script.
I agree, he was looking for his 15 minutes of fame, his job is to present evidence and not to do everything possible to win, he ignored clear evidence and tried to spin his own narrative.
I agree, he was looking for his 15 minutes of fame, his job is to
present evidence and not to do everything possible to win, he ignored
clear evidence and tried to spin his own narrative.
well the prosecutor has a bit of a rep as a loser. i dont know what was going on in his mind. he was just bad and they have better people than that. he also made several mistakes and got yelled at by the judge. it seems strange to me.
I should not have used the term "stupid." That gives a connotation of a lowered intelligence level.
What I meant was that he was aware of the high probability of violence and he decided to put himself in that situation.
As he was young, and untrained, I don't consider the decision wise, by no means.
Add training, give him a few team members, and you have a squad of people that could really affect a change. The members would have protected one another.
This is a little off topic, but I can't stop thinking of how sorry the prosecuter was. It was almost like the trial was a made-for-tv segment and somebody forgot to give him the script.
Thanks for the discourse,
Jazzy J
* AmyBW v2.16 *
... Hm..what's this red button foº½¯°·¼NO CARRIER
Kyle was initially safe among a larger group of armed and trained indivduals.
Wehn he was asked to check on another aid station because his current location was pretty quiet, that's where the screw up originated. Even though he was with a reporter, the reporter was not enough of a presence to deter anyone with violent intent from approaching. From recent interviews Kyle appe ars to be pretty mature, however it was a mistake to let him go by himself
Re: Kyle Rittenhouse
By: Moondog to Jazzy J on Mon Dec 13 2021 12:01 pm
Kyle was initially safe among a larger group of armed and trained indivduals.
Wehn he was asked to check on another aid station because his current location was pretty quiet, that's where the screw up originated. Even though he was with a reporter, the reporter was not enough of a presence deter anyone with violent intent from approaching. From recent interview Kyle appe ars to be pretty mature, however it was a mistake to let him go himself
he also had previous training. if you watch the videos you can see it. he ha
he went to law enforcement summer camps or something like that.
he went to law enforcement summer camps or something like that.
Regardless of training, he's only one 17 year old kid among a bunch of idiots such as Rosenbaum. All they see is an easy mark.
Re: Kyle Rittenhouse
By: Moondog to MRO on Mon Dec 13 2021 07:16 pm
he went to law enforcement summer camps or something like that.
Regardless of training, he's only one 17 year old kid among a bunch of idiots such as Rosenbaum. All they see is an easy mark.
you keep changing your points.
rosembaum was a mentally ill psychotic person. not just an idiot. 1 person i
rittenhouse performed better than anybody else.
if i had 30 people after me attacking me and i had a weapon i'd shoot as man
when gaige put his hands up as a fake out, rittenhouse didn't shoot. then ga
No argument regarding how Rittenhouse performed or how amazingly he retained his firearm. My point is about perception. No level of skill or training is visible to an outside observer until they do something to demonstrate it.what
Re: Re: Kyle Rittenhouse
By: Dr. What to Denn on Thu Nov 25 2021 10:01 am
It's the Overton Window, and the door swings both ways.
DR. WHAT wrote to JAZZY J <=-
But the case wasn't about Rittenhouse. It was about the right to self-defence.
The Left needs to have people feeling like they need the gov't to "protect" themfrom bad people. What better way than to manufacture bad people (like BLM and the mis-named Anfifa)?
But Kyle faught back successfully, which blew away the false Narrative that the Left's been pushing for decades.
They were trying very hard to make it so that other people don't do
what Kyle did and fight back. And they, in a limited way, succeeded.
I'm sure Kyle himself will think twice about helping out again because
of how he was treated.
Think of the many people who can and would have faught too and now
will think twice about it because they don't want to deal with the harassment trials they may be subjected to.
OMG why don't you just paste a whole frigging book in one message?
who the hell want's to waste all that time reading this message?
OMG why don't you just paste a whole frigging book in one message?
who the hell want's to waste all that time reading this message?
Umm, thats usually what intelligent people do to expand their intellect.
Uhm no, thats what dip shits do, type up a lot of nonsensical bullshit trying to overwehlm people with blathering crapola.OMG why don't you just paste a whole frigging book in one message?Umm, thats usually what intelligent people do to expand their intellect.
who the hell want's to waste all that time reading this message?
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