Re: External Programs Menu(xtrnmenucfg.js)
By: Shane O'Neill to All on Sun Jul 25 2021 08:09 pm
I am now playing with the custom menu ability in Synchronet, per the wiki instructions I went into the SCFG and under the strn section I changed the value to xtrnmenu.
I downloaded xtrnmenucfg.js from the git repo and place that in the exec folder (windows 10 32 bit here). I then executed "jsexec xtrnmenucfg" and it came up with the editor showing it will create the main menu. When i click on EDIT Items is exists back to command prompt with "referenceError: win_cut is not defined"
I take it I am missing something?!
You probably need to upgrade to v3.19 (the current development version). It includes an updated load/uifcdefs.js which defines WIN_CUT:
const WIN_CUT = (1<<17); /* Allow ^X (cut) a menu item */
digital man
Sling Blade quote #10:
Morris: I stand on the hill, not for thrill, but for the breath of a fresh kill Norco, CA WX: 83.6øF, 64.0% humidity, 3 mph NNE wind, 0.06 inches rain/24hrs
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