Hey DM,
I've followed the posts from Nigel/You regarding 3.20 being upgraded from 3.19 and some QWK message areas being messed up..
I've created a new system, compiled today "ALTTEST", and upgraded my test environment - which is essentially a "blank" synchronet with very little config. Until today it didnt receive any DOVENET.
In my testing with qnet-http, I've noticed mail exported from ALTERANT to ALTTEST the messages are posted to the wrong subs.
I've checked the sub numbers on ALTERANT (that is used for VERT), together with the sub numbers in ALTTEST (and via msgs.ini) and I cannot see an error.
Today, I went onto ALTERANT and back dated Synchronet Discussion so that I would receive 20 messages for ALTTEST. ALTTEST got those 20 (and 2 more from another sub):
Jan 23 23:39:34 d-11-1 synchronet: evnt packQWK <ALTTEST> Packing QWK Message Packet
Jan 23 23:39:34 d-11-1 synchronet: evnt packQWK <ALTTEST> scanned 50 sub-boards for new messages
Jan 23 23:39:34 d-11-1 synchronet: evnt packQWK <ALTTEST> packed 22 messages (29.2K bytes) in 1 seconds (22 msgs/sec)
Jan 23 23:39:34 d-11-1 synchronet: evnt packQWK <ALTTEST> libarchive created /opt/sbbs/data/file/0028.qwk from 3 files
Jan 23 23:39:34 d-11-1 synchronet: evnt packQWK <ALTTEST> Packing completed: /opt/sbbs/data/file/0028.qwk
But when it imported them, they went into the wrong areas:
synchronet: evnt QNET QNET-HTTP 1.3 invoked with options: ALTERANT alterant.dege.lan TEST1234
synchronet: evnt QNET Getting /opt/sbbs/data/ALTERANT.qwk
synchronet: evnt QNET Received 9683 bytes
synchronet: evnt QNET Call-out to: ALTERANT returned 0
synchronet: evnt QNET Inbound QWK Packet detected: /opt/sbbs/data/ALTERANT.qwk synchronet: evnt QNET libarchive extracted 3 files from /opt/sbbs/data/ALTERANT.qwk
synchronet: evnt QNET Reading /opt/sbbs/temp/event/HEADERS.DAT
synchronet: evnt QNET Reading /opt/sbbs/temp/event/VOTING.DAT
synchronet: evnt QNET Importing QWK Network Packet: /opt/sbbs/data/ALTERANT.qwk synchronet: evnt QNET Importing QWK messages from ALTERANT into 0072:DOVE-Net Synchronet Discussion
synchronet: evnt QNET Imported 1 QWK messages in 1 seconds (1 msgs/sec) synchronet: evnt QNET Importing QWK messages from ALTERANT into 0072:DOVE-Net Pro-Audio Discussion
synchronet: evnt QNET !smb_addmsg duplicate Message-ID: <63CBD3C5.530.dove-syncdisc@trmb.synchro.net> found in message #50 synchronet: evnt QNET !smb_addmsg duplicate Message-ID: <63CBD5F5.531.dove-syncdisc@trmb.synchro.net> found in message #51
(The duplicate Message-ID error is expected, since I had done this previously.)
As you can see, ALTTEST is importing them into "Pro-Audio DIscussion".
What have I messed up?
Check the SCFG->Networks->QWK->Hubs->*->Sub-boards mappings. That (the "qhubsub" sections of msgs.ini) the area that would get messed-up when inserting sub-boards before the committed fix in v3.20a.
Re: QWK - messed up posting
By: Digital Man to deon on Mon Jan 23 2023 09:07 am
Check the SCFG->Networks->QWK->Hubs->*->Sub-boards mappings. That (the "qhubsub" sections of msgs.ini) the area that would get messed-up when inserting sub-boards before the committed fix in v3.20a.
Yup, that's what I compared - and they are all the same.
(And my compile should have that fix in it.)
±±±±³ ³2007 0011:DOVE-net 07:Synchronet Discussion
Okay, so you'll need fix ALTERANT. Either restore the [qhubsub:ALTERANT:*] sections from a backup of ctrl/msgs.ini (there should be auto-backups as msgs.#.ini) or just fix them by hand by either editing the msgs.ini file with
a text editor or fix them in SCFG->Networks.
Re: QWK - messed up posting
By: Digital Man to deon on Mon Jan 23 2023 07:12 pm
Okay, so you'll need fix ALTERANT. Either restore the [qhubsub:ALTERANT:*] sections from a backup of ctrl/msgs.ini (there should be auto-backups as msgs.#.ini) or just fix them by hand by either editing the msgs.ini file with
a text editor or fix them in SCFG->Networks.
ALTERANT is still running 3.19 - so it doesnt use the new msgs.ini right?
ALTERANT is still running 3.19 - so it doesnt use the new msgs.ini right?
The hub and the nodes don't have to be running the same version.
I have no idea what version of sbbs ALTERANT is running and if that's not your system, then you shouldn't care.
Re: QWK - messed up posting
By: Digital Man to deon on Mon Jan 23 2023 09:18 pm
ALTERANT is still running 3.19 - so it doesnt use the new msgs.ini right?
The hub and the nodes don't have to be running the same version.
I have no idea what version of sbbs ALTERANT is running and if that's not your system, then you shouldn't care.
They are both mine.
So again, I hope I've shown that:
ALTERANT - v3.19 has the correct DOVE subs conference number configuration ALTTEST - v3.20 has also the correct DOVE subs conference number configuration
Why is it when ALTTEST collect mail from ALTERANT, that the mail gets imported into the incorrect subs?
Is this a bug with 3.20?
You previosly pasted here:
Which demonstrates that you have messages that download from the ALTERANT hub being imported into the DOVE-SYNCDISC sub. You need fix that by either hand editing the msgs.ini file or via SCFG->Networks->QWK->Hubs->ALTERANT. It may have been caused by the bug previously fixed that would mess up the mapping of subs for QWKnet hubs when a new message sub-board was inserted in SCFG before others.
Re: QWK - messed up posting
By: Digital Man to deon on Mon Jan 23 2023 10:55 pm
You previosly pasted here:
Which demonstrates that you have messages that download from the ALTERANT hub being imported into the DOVE-SYNCDISC sub. You need fix that by either hand editing the msgs.ini file or via SCFG->Networks->QWK->Hubs->ALTERANT. It may have been caused by the bug previously fixed that would mess up the mapping of subs for QWKnet hubs when a new message sub-board was inserted in SCFG before others.
So, I'm still confused.
ALTTEST (that receives the message) - as built *after* you committed the fix to the msgs.ini corruption. It was built with commit #cadada4df that fixes that issue (unless there is another one?).
When I go to SCFG->Networks->QWK->Hubs->ALTERANT it shows this for Sync Discussion:
³Sub-board 0072:DOVE-Net Synchronet Discussion ³
³Conference Number 2007 ³
³Ctrl-A Codes Strip out ³
Which is consistent with what you pasted above (that happens to be in msgs.ini).
What am I changing? The conf number is the same - is that not the important item?
I've compared the "Internal Code" on both ALTERANT and ALTTEST (DOVE-SYNCDISC) and they are the same, and so is the "QWK Name" (SyncDiscus).
I dont know what needs a fixing.
If the qhubsub sections in your msgs.ini was corrupted, then it still needs to be fixed. Even if you're running the version of sbbs with the fix, the configuration file (msgs.ini) that may have been previously corrupted does not get magically fixed.
Please restate the problem you're having. I thought you had a cross-up betwen DOVE-Net conferences and the conferences in some other QWK network (for which ALTERANT is your hub). Please clarify.
Re: QWK - messed up posting
By: Digital Man to deon on Tue Jan 24 2023 11:48 am
If the qhubsub sections in your msgs.ini was corrupted, then it still needs to be fixed. Even if you're running the version of sbbs with the fix, the configuration file (msgs.ini) that may have been previously corrupted does not get magically fixed.
Please restate the problem you're having. I thought you had a cross-up betwen DOVE-Net conferences and the conferences in some other QWK network (for which ALTERANT is your hub). Please clarify.
ALTTEST has never been v3.20 before commit cadada4d. IE: It was upgraded from v3.19 to v3.20 (cadada4d) and I ran upgrade_to_320*. So msgs.ini would never have been corrupted by the known issue that cadada4d was committed to fix. In many respects its a vanilla SBBS with little configuration (so it has mostly all the defaults a new install would have).
ALTERANT is my BBS still v3.19 - its not a QWK hub for *any* network, but it as assumed that role as a QWK hub for ALTTEST. It's what I'm on now, and it gets QWK mail from VERT and DIGDIST for those respective conferences.
I set up ALTERANT/ALTTEST to debug qnet-http to see if I can figure out what the issue is with #310 (and so far it seems to work for me - except conferences are importing incorrectly).
On ALTERANT, I have a PVT_TEST sub (that I also use for FTN testing) - Im also using that for QWK testing - I assigned it a "manual" conference of 9900
in SCFG. I setup a user for ALTTEST to be able to receive QWK packets - of the DOVE and PVT_TEST conferences. The setting for that use is the same as in the wiki.
On ALTTEST - the DOVE configuration is configured from defaults - its never received DOVE before, nor have I had any reason to change that config. I renamed the default "VERT" config (Networks -> QWK -> ... -> VERT) to ALTERANT and added conference 9900.
I also changed the callout command to use qnet-http instead of qnet-ftp.
When ALTTEST collects mail from ALTERANT, the PVT_TEST messages are imported successfully (into the right sub). However the DOVE subs are imported *incorrectly* they go into the wrong subs. In the message dialogue up to now, I've been giving you Sync Discussion as an example, but they are all wrong.
Posts from Sync Discussion that arrive on ALTERANT (from VERT) arrive in Pro Audio in ALTTEST. My post in Sync Discussion on ALTTEST arrived in Ham Radio on ALTERANT, and thus I assume that message also went to VERT in that sub too.
Where do I look? Just looking at Sync Discussion, the conference numbers are the same, the QWK name is the same, as is the Internal Code.
On a QWKnet hub (e.g. ALTERANT), the conference numbers that matter are in SCFG->Message Areas... and should be set to "static" and also match what is configured on the *node* in SCFG->Networks->QWK->Hubs...
Sysop: | neur0mancer |
Location: | Colorado Springs, CO |
Users: | 25 |
Nodes: | 10 (0 / 10) |
Uptime: | 70:40:17 |
Calls: | 440 |
Messages: | 63,160 |